Born: Toronto, 1963
I lived in Barrie Ontario (or close to it, Thornton actually) for 20 years. I lived there when the big tornado went through may 31, 1985. I was a few miles south of it, but still a scary thing. I spent most of my life in the middle of nowhere. Farmland. Very few people. Not much to do. Good thing I liked playing piano and guitar! I started piano when I got one on my 11th birthday. I started playing guitar in 1980.
In 1978 we got a new high school called Innisdale in Barrie and I went there for grade 10. I was about to drop my music class due to something called "Performaces" we were subjected to in grade 9. We had to get up in front of the class (or a few classes in some cases) and sing. At that time, it wasn't something I really wanted to do! But this was one of the first questions we had for Mr. Leonard at this new school and he said "no". WHEW! So I stayed.
A few weeks later he brought in some equipment. An amplifier, an organ and on top of that, something called a synthesizer. I was immediately hypnotized by this thing and HAD to play it. Then I HAD to have one!!
That was a Roland SH1000 and a year or so later I got my first synth, a Yamaha CS-10. One oscillator, monophonic synthesizer. I loved it. Unfortunately, keyboards were very expensive and I had no money so that was as far as I got back then. I didn't start buying more until the early 90's.
I'm now living in Toronto again. I've been here since 1987. It's great in a lot of ways, but not great in other ways. Traffic is really bad now. Way too many people. But the beach is really nice!
So I work, work, work... and at night and on weekends I take a few minutes here and there and write some music. Now I'm posting some music on CDBaby and hopefully something will come of that so I can make some money and do this full time.
The Name
Ok, before you ask... here's where the name came from: Its a joke from a tv show called South Park. It was suggested by my friend Katy from Morgantown. The joke is a simple one about Canada. It's referring to our relatively small popoulation (considering we're the second largest country in the world) and when one character calls a guy named Scott, who lived in Canada, he assumes there's only ONE Scott in the whole country. So when he hears someone say hello, he asks "Is this Scott from Canada??". It's MUCH funnier in the actual show (an episode called Not Without My Anus). It loses a little when I translate it to Canadian from its native American, eh.
As for why... well, I didn't want it to just be my name on there. For now it's just me, but I hope to get a singer, and maybe work with other musicians some day! And if I ever get to play live, well, obviously there will be a whole band and crew and everything, so I didn't like the idea of my name being up front when it was actually a LOT of people making it happen. Seemed kinda egotistical to me. So I preferred the idea of a "Band name", but couldn't think of one. When Katy suggested Scott From Canada, it seemed odd at first but it made sense! It was funny (once you know the joke), it has my name, and it has my location, yet it's not exactly the same as having "SCOTT ROGERS" on there. Yeah, it's close, but not quite. So since I couldnt come up with anything better, it's official.